Thierry Léger and John Neal appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Reinsurance Advisory Board

Thierry Léger, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SCOR group - John Neal, CEO of Lloyd's of LondonThierry Léger, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SCOR group, has been appointed Chairman of Insurance Europe's Reinsurance Advisory Board (RAB). He succeeds Charlie Shamieh, Chairman of the Board of Gen Re.

John Neal, CEO of Lloyd's of London, has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the RAB. J. Neal will replace T. Léger as Chairman in June 2025.

The RAB is the representative body of the European reinsurance industry. It comprises seven major reinsurers: Gen Re, Hannover Re, Lloyd's, Munich Re, PartnerRe, SCOR and Swiss Re.

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