Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR): 2023 results

La Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR)Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR) has ended the 2023 financial year with a 6% turnover increase from 3.441 billion MAD (324.4 million USD) on 31 December 2022 to 3.653 billion MAD (363.1 million USD) one year later.

Net income was slightly up by 0.07% to 282.163 million MAD (28 million USD), compared with 281.962 million MAD (26.6 million USD) at the end of 2022.

SCR's shareholders' equity stood at 2.816 billion MAD (279.9 million USD) as at 31 December 2023, while its share capital remained unchanged at 2.816 billion MAD (279.9 million USD).

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