Southeast Asia: record breaking heatwave and devastating floods

Southeast Asia heatwaveSoutheast Asia is currently experiencing two extreme climatic phenomena: a scorching heat wave and torrential flooding. These events reflect the devastating effects of climate change in the region.

Temperatures in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Bangladesh soared to alarming levels in April 2024, fluctuating between 40 and 45°C.

The authorities in Thailand declared that 43°C constituted a danger to public health. Three Vietnamese provinces declared a state of emergency due to the scorching heat and water shortages. In the Philippines, 400 000 residents of the city of Iloilo are relying on water deliveries organized by the authorities.

Meanwhile, torrential rains in south-east China are triggering the worst flooding the region has known since 1954.

The World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) annual report on the impact of climate change in Asia revealed that the continent is warming faster than the global average. This rise in temperature is triggering an increase in extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, floods and cyclones.

Asia was the region most affected by climatic disasters in 2023, with 79 events recorded. Although the number of cyclones (17) was lower than average, storms were much more intense and damaging.

It is worth remembering that a 1°C rise in temperature leads to an additional 7% water vapor concentration in the atmosphere, which in turn amplifies extreme weather events.

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