Jordan's workplace accidents remain high in 2018

SSCAccording to statistics from the Social Security Corporation (SSC), Jordan reports between 14 000 and 15 000 workplace accidents each year. Despite the existence of a legislation governing workplace safety, these accidents cause one death every two days.

The majority of accidents involve new employees (less than 6 months of work) under 20 and those between 20 and 25.

Jordanian law requires the protection of employees through:

  • the implementation of workplace safety rules,
  • the coverage of workers through a workmen's compensation insurance from day one of their employment,
  • the payment of a daily allowance equal to 75% of the salary in case of absence due to a work-related accident.

The law also urges SSC to inspect workplaces. This organization determines the premium according to the level of security adopted by the company.

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